Archive for words and phrases

Phrase For Phriday

Posted in A Phrase For Phriday with tags , , , , , , , , on November 20, 2009 by AF

I missed last week, so I suppose I’d better make a bit of an effort to come up with something appropriate.

Accordingly, I thought I’d continue the theme of my last post – “Sex Is What It’s All About” – just to please anyone who might have been expecting a slightly greater degree of graphic detail in that post.


  1. What about the phrase: A good seeing to…? Slang for having very satisfying sex – as in, “She gave him such a right good seeing to, he’s been asleep for the last twenty four hours.”
  2. Then there’s also the various names for the equipment involved. I’m sure that many of our words are the same as those in the US, but there are a couple that I think are rather different: there’s fanny… which I kind of imagine means butt in the States, since there are numerous references to guys sitting on their fanny. In the UK that same word means vagina, or more accurately, the whole female organ – the same as pussy, which may also be a UK term since it also means cat there. One can see the logic of that, though – soft, furry, likes being stroked and will disappear in an instant if you upset it; the vulva is probably the more correct term, if you prefer it (which I, personally, don’t).
  3. Whilst we’re on the subject, there’s also the US person’s name, Randy (both male and female I believe): in the UK it is also used for both male and female, but to describe a person’s mood – as in “God! When he (she) did that right in front of me, it made me feel so randy I wanted to strip off and have him (her) right there across the supermarket check-out!”

Have a good weekend…    😉

Phrase For Phriday

Posted in A Phrase For Phriday with tags , , on November 7, 2009 by AF

This time I’m a bit stuck. There were several phrases that I came across during the week for our Phrase For Phriday, but like the idiot that I am I didn’t make a note of them.

So, here I am and a bit stuck. If you want to accuse me of being lazy and not keeping the necessary records of thoughts and ideas when they crop up, I’d have to admit I’m guilty. Yup, guys, you’ve got me banged to rights on that one…

Hang on though… that’s it… that sounds pretty English to me.

OK then, my phrase this week is: Banged to rights… caught red handed… er, that’s not just English as well, is it? Well anyway. It means when the police (for instance) have all the evidence and your guilt is pretty much beyond dispute. As when the thief is caught leaving the premises with goods stolen from there and his fingerprints are all over the scene of the crime. The cop might say something quaint like, “OK, Joe. We’ve got you this time. You’re banged to rights.”

Have a good weekend…  🙂

Phrase For Phriday

Posted in A Phrase For Phriday with tags , , on October 30, 2009 by AF

As usual I’ve no idea whether this is just English, but I’ve listed a couple of expressions here that cropped up in conversations during the week.

So today’s phrases have nothing in common except that they a similar “feel” about them to me – London actually, but that’s probably wildly out…

  1. Sling you hook… If you don’t know, this means leave – GO! That’s as when you tell some annoying little twerp to disappear: “Go away! Sling your hook!”
  2. Drop a clanger… This means to make a mistake. Do a job badly, or maybe even mistakenly let a secret slip, as in: “Oops! Sorry I dropped a clanger there. I thought your girlfriend knew all about that blonde.”

Have a good weekend…  🙂